Notice on holding the study meeting of the eighth Party Committee Theoretical Learning (Expansion) Central Group in 2021

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2021-06-23Number of views:964

It was decided by research628Day (week)下午2:30 Hold the study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical learning Center group of the Party Committee。The meeting was presided over by Party Secretary Li Fangze。The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Venue of the meeting

Video conference room, 9th floor, Administration Building

Ii. Participants

School leading group members, all middle-level cadres

Iii. Meeting requirements

1.Participants are required to wear masks, enter and sign in 15 minutes in advance;

2.Turn off the mobile phone or turn it to silent mode and put it in the mobile phone bag in the venue;

3.Listen carefully and take notes。 

Party Committee Propaganda Department 
